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Good question! We are a full service shop and offer a wide range of products and services. To see a full listing and description of what we can offer you, check out our Home Page.

Well, since you are here, we would suggest you use our online estimate request form. Otherwise, the best way to ensure that we get all the information necessary to do an accurate quote is to give us a call and talk with one of our customer service representatives.

Make them print ready and acceptable for us to print.


Exporting your InDesign file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Export, Save As: “Your File Name”, Format: Select: Adobe PDF (Print)

• Export Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF Preset: Select: [PDF/X-4:2008], Add Marks and Bleeds, Export


Saving your Illustrator file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Format: Select: Adobe PDF (Print)

• Save Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF Preset: Select: [PDF/X-4:2008], Add Marks and Bleeds, Save PDF


Saving your Photoshop file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Format: Select: Photoshop PDF

• Save Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF Preset: Select: [PDF/X-4:2008], Save PDF


Saving your Canva file to PDF

• Select: Download Drop Down, File Type, Select: PDF Print, Select: Crop marks and bleed, Download

• Save As: “Your File Name”, Format: Select: PDF Files (*.pdf), Save


You will need to have the full version of Adobe Acrobat PDF. If you don’t please download and use our Adobe Job Ready Program. If you do have the full version of Adobe Acrobat PDF please follow the steps below.


Saving your Word file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Save as type: Select: PDF

• Select: Optimize for: Standard (publishing online and printing), Save


Saving your Excel file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Save as type: Select: PDF

• Select: Optimize for: Standard (publishing online and printing), Save


Saving your PowerPoint file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Save as type: Select: PDF

• Select: Standard (publishing online and printing), Save


Saving your Publisher file to PDF

• Under File Menu, Save As: “Your File Name”, Save as type: Select: PDF

• Select Optimize for: Options, Select: Commercial Press, OK, Save

And lastly, while not necessary we do recommend the use of Adobe Creative Suite as it provides for the best results including the creation of PDFs that adhere to the x-4 (print pdf) standard.

Resolution should be set to 300 dpi.

Pictures and graphics pulled from the internet are often low resolution, typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi. Avoid these graphics, as they will appear pixilated and blocky when printed.

Also note that you should save all photos in CMYK mode, not RGB mode when possible. Images saved in RGB mode may not print properly. If you are unable to save your image in CYMK mode, please let us know.

In printing terms, a proof is a one-off copy of your document after all modifications and printing setup processes have been completed. It is your last and best opportunity to make sure that the print job comes out the way you want. By carefully inspecting the proof, you can help us assure an accurate, flawless delivery of your print job on the first run.

The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a color reproduction standard in which colors all across the spectrum are each identified by a unique, independent number. The use of PMS allows us to precisely match colors and maintain color consistency throughout the printing process.

In short, printers and monitors produce colors in different ways.

Monitors use the RGB (red, green, blue) color model, which usually supports a wider spectrum of colors. Printers use the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color model, which can reproduce most—but not all—of the colors in the RGB color model. Depending on the equipment used, CMYK generally matches 85–90% of the colors in the RGB model.

When a color is selected from the RGB model that is out of the range of the CMYK model, the application chooses what it thinks is the closest color that will match. Programs like Adobe Photoshop will allow you to choose which color will be replaced. Others may not.

Not typically. Because white is the default colour of paper, it is simply recognized as the absence of any ink. However, when using colored paper, white ink may be used if any text or graphic requires it.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is the most common and preferred file format for submitting digital documents. With the installation of a PDF print driver on your computer, virtually any program can generate a PDF file suitable for printing. Both commercial and free PDF print drivers are available online for download from different sources.

When you place your order there are 3 choices for you to choose from under

Turnaround Time: Economy 5 Days, Express 3 Days, Rush 24 Hours.

We always work with you to find ways to complete your project when you need it. If you have a specific request please contact us

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